October 11, 2007 — Vol. 43, No. 9
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Belmont Day’s balanced curriculum helps ease students’ transition to adolescence

Belmont Day School was founded in 1927 by a group of parents committed to providing children with a strong academic foundation and many opportunities for creative expression. Located 15 minutes from Boston, the school offers a balanced program of traditional skills, instruction and experiential projects for students beginning in pre-kindergarten. The addition of a middle school program in 2002 has enabled the school to extend its educational programs to benefit students in the early adolescent years.

The entry into adolescence is a time of great change. It is a time for students to discover passions and explore new interests, to develop a strong sense of self, and to become more independent. The middle school program at Belmont Day School provides opportunities for students to take charge of their learning, probe complex and abstract themes in literature and history, analyze and solve mathematical problems, and acquire research strategies in laboratory science. Students explore new media in the arts, and engage in competitive sports as a member of a team. With an emphasis on communication and research skills, students are prepared to move into new realms of learning and discovery. Through community service and mentoring opportunities, middle school students learn to become thoughtful and engaged members of the community to make a difference in the world.

Faculty members provide avenues for students to make independent and responsible choices not only in their studies but also in their lives beyond school. Learning situations are founded in friendship, in which participants are helpful, cooperative, open and honest. Faculty and students pledge to respect and support one another’s opportunity to learn and to value each individual’s opinions, hopes and dreams. Teachers search for the enormous potential that exists in their students and work to nurture their talents. At Belmont Day School, students and adults live by three principles: be yourself, do the right thing, and strive to succeed.

Belmont Day School is a strong community of learners that looks at the world through one another’s eyes. The school is dedicated to a creative and dynamic educational program, a strong partnership with parents, extensive outreach through community service and a deep commitment to diversity.

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