A Banner Publication
July 3, 2008 – Vol. 2 • No. 11
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Although Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not preventable, some experts believe that the health of the brain — the most vascular organ in the body — is linked to the health of the heart and blood vessels. It may therefore be possible to reduce the risk of AD by preventing or controlling cardiovascular conditions, such as high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and high cholesterol.

Keep blood pressure,
diabetes and cholesterol under control.

Do not smoke.
Smoking increases the risk of
heart disease.

Maintain a normal weight.
Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes.

Eat a heart healthy diet. Reduce consumption of trans and saturated fats, salts and cholesterol.

Stay physically active. Exercise 30 minutes a day most days of the week.

Take prescribed medications
even when you’re feeling well.

Remain socially and mentally active.